MeSCAL gathers a multidisciplinary panel of international researchers with expertise in palaeoenvironmental and archaeo-historical disciplines.

Ana Ejarque,
project coordinator
Researcher, CNRS
ISEM UMR 5554, Montpellier
Palynological and charcoal analyses.
Reyes Luelmo,
Postdoc researcher, CNRS
ISEM UMR 5554, Montpellier
Palynological and charcoal analyses.
R Scott Anderson, Distinguished Professor,
Northern Arizona University
Palynological and charcoal analyses.
Yannick Miras
Research engineer, CNRS
HNHP UMR 7194, Paris
Modern pollen analogues and archaeopalynology

Nathalie Combourieu-Nebout,
Research Director, CNRS
HNHP UMR 7194, Paris
Marine palinology

Alex Simms,
University California Santa Barbara Sedimentology, Stratigraphy, Coastal Geology

Aude Beauger,
CNRS, Geolab UMR 6042 Clermont-Ferrand
Diatom analyses.

David Robinson
University Central Lancaster, UK Rock art and archaeology of Native California
Emmanuelle Defive
Lecturer, Université Clermont Auvergne, Geolab,
Quaternary geoarchaeology and Geomorphology
John R Johnson
Curator of Anthropology
Santa Barbara Museum of Natural History
California archaeology and ethnohistory.

Elisabeth Allain
Technician, CNRS
Geolab UMR 6042, Clermont-Ferrand
Pollen, diatom and SCP analyses.

Olivier Voldoire
Assistant engineer, CNRS
Geolab UMR 6042, Clermont-Ferrand
Marie Peressin
MA1 student
Université Clermont Auvergne, Geolab, Clermont-ferrand

Timothy Gross
Assistant Professor, San Diego City College, California Archaeology of Califor

Pierre Gosseaume
Technician, Geolab UMR 6042, Clermont-Ferrand
Diatom analyses.

Samuel Biz
MA2 student, CNRS
ISEM UMR 5554, Montpellier
Charcoal analyses.
Marie Sanchez
Administrative support, CNRS
ISEM UMR 5554, Montpellier

Célia Lecomte
Technician, CNRS
ISEM UMR 5554, Montpellier Charcoal analyses.
Sébastien Picard
Administrative support, CNRS ISEM UMR 5554, Montpellier
Laurie Dufournet
MA2 student, CNRS
ISEM UMR 5554, Montpellier
Charcoal analyses.

Collaborating organisations